We have always urged people wanting a nose job to choose among cosmetic surgeons who have performed nose surgery for at least a decade and continue doing it weekly.
(Learn what to look for in top cosmetic surgeons.)
In the profession, we refer to a condition known as a “dropped tip.” In some recovery periods after nose job surgery, the tip of the nose takes on a roundish look. Some noses may even seem like a new bump has formed. Imagine how disappointed those patients are!
But, in most cases, a dropped nose tip is predictable and avoidable, given the right type of surgeon training and experience in hundreds of other nose jobs.
(Look at some nose job before & after photos.)
A dropped tip happens because the nose surgeon did not allow for the drop and set the tip to the nose’s profile, including the bridge.
But highly experienced nasal surgeons know the nose tip will undergo some downward contraction because their incisions tend to contract while healing. Plus, there’s always gravity’s downward tug on the nose.
The secret of experienced, highly trained surgeons? He or she must anticipate the tip drop while planning and performing the surgery.
And here’s why nasal surgeons pay so much attention to a patient’s type of cartilage: a second reason for the nasal tip drop is not enough strength in the remaining tip cartilage to hold its position. If the surgeon does not recognize weak tip cartilage, then a dropped tip happens, ruining the patient’s profile view.
(See some before & after revision rhinoplasty pictures.)
It’s actually a matter of perspective; it’s often not that tip has dropped. Rather, the nose tissue above the tip rises, making the tip look lower. So, the surgeon must anticipate the tightening and contraction that happens in healing.
Those “upper lateral” cartilages naturally migrate to the middle of the nose. If they have not been trimmed enough to cope with that movement, they rise above the anticipated profile level. Result?
A profile convexity happens, creating an illusion that the tip has dropped.
(Look at some permanent, non-surgical rhinoplasty photos.)
The dropped tip is only one example illustrating how complex nose jobs can be. Rhinoplasty is a highly-involved operation that requires an imaginative surgeon, a working plan based on anticipated changes and a thorough knowledge of the consequences of each surgical maneuver in the operation.
Is it any wonder the nose job is known as the most difficult in all of cosmetic plastic surgery?
You can cope by searching for a master nasal surgeon, one who is a super-specialist in the procedure.