Cosmetic Plastic Surgery? Breathing O.K.?

Maddening Snoring: Bad Before Cosmetic Plastic Surgery?

If you are scheduled for cosmetic plastic surgery (or any other surgery,) new research shows a common, pesky type of irregular nocturnal breathing could become a surgical complication during rejuvenation surgery.

According to the American Society of Anesthesiology, a common but often unknown form of nighttime irregular breathing – obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – affects millions, many of whom are unaware of its presence or potential harm.

Prime OSA symptom: nightly snoring.  The usual gremlin is the back of the throat where soft tissue narrows, closes and opens during the night. Men who snore heavily are the usual suffers, may be overweight and often jerk awake during sleep gasping for breath. Daytime sleepiness usually results, too.

          (Learn how functional nose surgery may beat sleep apnea.)

Continued sleep interruption can cause other serious health woes if untreated.

          (Read about other nose problems — like a deviated septum — that can result in problem breathing.)

First line of treatment is usually a device known as a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) that silently, gently delivers pressurized air to the lungs through a soft facial mask.

           (Read more about using CPAP masks.)

Nonetheless, many are unaware they have a serious disorder or that treatment is easily available.

Now, a new study reveals that cosmetic plastic surgery outcomes can be troublesome in OSA sufferers. The University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, compared surgical outcomes in 4,211 diagnosed OSA patients against a matched group of patients without the disorder.

Results? Patients with the sleep disorder had an increased risk of developing cardiovascular trouble like cardiac arrest or shock. The researchers also found the breathing problems were twice as likely to happen in OSA patients compared to those surgical patients without the condition.

           (See some cosmetic plastic surgery before & after pictures.)

The study suggests that any surgical patient first be screened and treated for OSA before surgery.

Says Thomas Mutter, M.D., lead study author in the department of anesthesiology and perioperative medicine at the University of Manitoba: “As many as 25 percent of surgical patients may have OSA, but the vast majority of those patients are not treated and don’t know they have the disorder.”


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