

How Young is Too Young for Rhinoplasty?

As surgical techniques become more sophisticated and as young people become more and more interested in taking care of their appearance and health, it’s only natural that those seeking surgeries such as rhinoplasty would include young men and women. However, there are certain considerations a surgeon must pay attention to before approving and scheduling this… Read More »

Can Rhinoplasty Improve Your Breathing?

When many people think of plastic surgery on the nose—also known as rhinoplasty—they think of it being done for cosmetic reasons. However, it’s very common for those who have no desire to change the appearance of their nose to also seek out rhinoplasty to improve their breathing. This type of rhinoplasty, known as septoplasty, may… Read More »

What’s Ailing My Profession?

  Today’s Medical Science Is Spectacular. But, Why Are Patients Dying From Easy-To-Treat Diseases? by Robert Kotler, MD, FACS Today’s Medicine performs miracles every day. Cataract and LASIK surgery to improve vision; joint replacement to reduce pain and restore mobility. Pinpoint, invisible-beam radiation to destroy cancer. Childhood leukemia cured by chemotherapy. Stomach ulcers healed with… Read More »