Many people interested in a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure, say, a nose job or a facelift, often don’t quite know what to make of a surgeon’s fee.
But don’t judge the procedure by fee alone, either high or low. Most experienced cosmetic surgeons warn against both a very high or low fee.
Why? Some practices specialize in attracting the wealthiest patients. Guess what’s next? Yes, a higher fee.
Other cosmetic surgeons offer — or even advertise –a low, low fee. What do you suppose happens next? A procedure based on the shortest surgical time possible. So, while you’ve gone easy on your bank account, you have not gained value. Meaning your surgical results may not last very long or may require doing over with yet another fee.
A better method: consulting with cosmetic plastic surgeons who specialize in rejuvenation surgeries of, say, the face and neck only or of the body only.
Look for surgeons who do these procedures weekly and have done so for a decade. With these specialists and super-specialists, you’ll most likely be receiving good value as well as a shorter procedure. Plus, your face and neck lift will last many years.
Cosmetic surgery fees are generally higher in large city locations like on Park Avenue in New York City or in Beverly Hills, California, where the costs of doing business is higher.
Other good tip-offs to excellent training, experience and a great surgical outcome include:
- Hundreds of before and after pictures of satisfied patients.
- A surgeon who listens carefully to you and brooks no interruptions during your consultation.
- A well trained, professional office staff who greet you warmly and go out of their way to assist you.
- Most support team members can find: Discounts or instances where your health insurance may kick in (i.e.: sagging upper eyelids blocking your vision.)
- Explain if a permanent, non-surgical nose job is right for you.
- Reasonable financing and other items regarding your final price quote.
- Before surgery, you’ll have a conversation with an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist. He or she is very important to your comfort and safety in the operating room. With an anesthesiologist, you’ll have a second M.D. in the O. R. (The charges are included in your final fee quote.)
- Top surgeons who work quickly and efficiently don’t do so for the sake of speed. Shorter operations are better for patient recovery, plus O.R. time is very expensive. Surgeons charge by the case while surgical facilities and anesthesia professionals charge by the hour.
- Be sure and ask if the surgeon’s fee includes touch-up services in the future.
- The tradition in virtually all offices is full payment in advance. It’s done to make sure the patient has the resources to go forward, that additional scheduling is not done casually and that patient and surgeon have an equal commitment to the procedure.