Best Chin Implant Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Chin augmentation plays a big role in the symmetry of the face and neck. Like many other enhancing procedures, chin augmentation helps to balance the profile and strengthen a weak chin to complement the face. This procedure may be combined with an extended neck sculpture or face and neck lift (through common incision). With Dr. Kotler’s years of unparalleled experience, he carefully examines the patient to customize the implant to the patient’s dimensions and structure. The implant is placed through a small incision under the chin.

Before & After Photo Gallery

Dr. Kotler has decades of experience performing nasal and facial surgery. See real patient results performed by a superspecialist in Beverly Hills, CA.

Chin Augmentation Anesthesia

Beverly Hills Chin Augmentation

General anesthesia is administered by a physician-anesthesiologist specializing in facial procedures. Under anesthesia, there is no pain and no awareness. An intravenous is started and you “drift off to sleep.”

Chin Augmentation Recovery

Chin Implants in Beverly Hills

Professional care is optional. If you choose to recover at home, someone must be with you the first night. As with all of our procedures, precise instructions, direction sheets and a “care package” of supplies and medications are provided.

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