Blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills, CA

Your eyes are an expressive feature that can tell a story about how you feel. If your eyes make you look tired, angry or even older than you actually are, what story are your eyes telling the world about you? Lower Blepharoplasty can reduce the signs of puffiness and create a more restful and youthful appearance, while Upper Blepharoplasty can diminish the angry, overt tired look to give you a bright-eyed appearance, to look and feel your best at any age. By removing excess fat, lax muscle and redundant skin, you can regain the youthful and rested appearance you deserve.

Eyelid Surgery Quick Facts


General anesthesia is administered by a physician anesthesiologist specializing in facial procedures. Under anesthesia there is no pain and no awareness. An intravenous is started and you “drift off to sleep.”


Approximately 1 hour in the operating room.

Recovery from an Eyelid Lift

Professional care is optional. If you choose to recover at home, someone must be with you the first night. As with all of our procedures, precise instruction, direction sheets and a “care package” of supplies and medications are provided.

Fill out the contact form below to schedule your consultation via Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, or in-office!