NECK LIFT In Beverly Hills

Sagging skin and excess fat on the neck or a double chin can make a person appear to be older or heavier than they truly are. Neck sculpture optimizes the definition between the chin and neck by removing excess fat beneath the skin and tightening the sagging platysma neck muscle. Its success is dependent upon the neck skin having enough elasticity to retract and re-drape satisfactorily after sculpturing. This procedure is most appropriate for younger patients who have inherited a “double chin” or for those patients who, despite reasonable weight loss, retain a neckline that is still poorly defined. Skin and underlying tissue above the jaw are not affected. A chin implant to further improve the profile may be inserted during the same procedure.

Before & After Photo Gallery

Dr. Kotler has decades of experience performing nasal and facial surgery. See real patient results performed by a superspecialist in Beverly Hills, CA.


Neck sculpture Quick Facts


General anesthesia is administered by a physician anesthesiologist specializing in facial procedures. Under anesthesia, there is no pain and no awareness. An intravenous is started and you “drift off to sleep.”


Approximately 1 hour in the operating room.


Recovery from Neck Sculpture

Professional care is optional. A 1/8 inch diameter plastic suction tube is placed under the skin in the lower neck to help keep swelling and bruising to a minimum. The small suction bottle that receives the excess fluid can be managed by any responsible adult. As with all of our procedures, precise instructions, direction sheets and a “care package” of supplies and medications are provided by the office. A brief office visit is made the day after surgery as well as the following day at which time the small suction tube is removed.

Fill out the contact form below to schedule your consultation via Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, or in-office!