Liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical rhinoplasty designed to augment an existing underdeveloped nose or, more commonly, correct the imperfections following one or more rhinoplasty surgeries.
Synonymous with the type of liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical nose job or non-surgical rhinoplasty. The technique is one where, instead of a surgical procedure, a filler is placed under the skin to augment the skeleton of the nose.
For many people, this can be a substitute for a traditional rhinoplasty. In the world of plastic surgery, the most important mission is to render improvement.
If the improvement can be rendered by surgery, that is fine, but a non-surgical rhinoplasty can often be more appropriate.
For the latter, the downside is less, the side effects are minimal, and the plastic surgeon may have specific skills that make this the ideal substitute or alternative to plastic surgery on the nose.
Liquid rhinoplasty is the injection of a liquid by a syringe and fine needle into the external nose, between the skin and underlying bone/cartilage to correct dips, divots, or asymmetries. It is a “filler”. Liquid rhinoplasty is akin to pumping air into a flat tire. Or, applying “Bondo” to correct an auto ding or dent. The result is immediate and obvious. There are no additional changes that take place.
Liquid rhinoplasty (properly performed by a highly specialized, long-experienced specialist) is considered safe. Both medical grade silicone and the temporary fillers are FDA-approved. Significant complications and minor problems are generally related to the technique, not the products. Hence, the imperative that the doctor be highly qualified to perform the procedure.
In our practice, the procedure with the highest percentage of happy patients and the lowest percentage of complications is the medical grade liquid rhinoplasty or revision liquid rhinoplasty. Some patients present with having even four or more unsuccessful rhinoplasties.
The dissatisfaction with an unhappy results tends to occupy a certain part of the brain’s volume. It does not go away and is a constantly brought to consciousness when looking into the mirror. It is a huge psychological burden that never disappears.
Patients are almost incredulous that they have discovered a practical, safe, predictable and affordable answer to their unhappiness. Certainly those who wisely chose the permanent solution.
Liquid rhinoplasty fillers do have an economic disadvantage. The process knows no end, so the cost could eternal. Conversely, the cost of the permanent is generally a fixed cost, for all sessions, so there is no mystery and there is a finite conclusion to the problem.
Since the cost of the permanent filler is a known and fixed, as a comparison, it is typically 20-25% of the cost of a surgical rhinoplasty or surgical revision rhinoplasty.
Financing, as with surgery, is available. Our offices accept credit cards
Liquid rhinoplasty, temporary or permanent, has no recovery time needed. Patients can get back to work without any evidence of an intervention. The permanent variety is done in stages, six weeks apart. That technique, using micro-droplets to gradually achieve the end result is considered wise and prudent. Three reasons. Nature will be less likely to notice this man-made material resting under the skin when the injection volumes are small. The second reason is that as the process progresses, during the six-week interval between injections, the patient has ample opportunity to decide which areas need attention and how much. Again, because the permanent variety of liquid filler is permanent and not easily removed, attention must be given to one’s tastes and desires. That leads to the obvious third reason: overfilling must be avoided. For more information about about rhinoplasty recovery see our rhinoplasty recovery guide.
An anesthetic ointment is applied to the skin prior and may be applied at home or en route to the office 45 minutes prior to appointment to save time.
Bruising, swelling is very rare, since the amount of the permanent liquid injected in a given area is so minute—0.02-0.04 cc. That is a tiny volume. Temporary fillers are deposited, generally, to completely fulfill the mission at one sitting.
After the liquid rhinoplasty procedure, if you develop any pain, redness, swelling, severe bruising, change of skin color, a fever, or chills, contact your doctor. Infections are extremely rare, as is bleeding but, if anything seems out of synch, call your doctor. And, don’t spend your time looking for advice on the Internet.
When researching liquid rhinoplasty jobs, temporary or permanent, one is best served by seeking a “superspecialist in the field. Many plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, and dermatologists offer temporary fillers. Many are comfortable with them because they have experience with their use as cheek and lip fillers. The nose is a different territory so important to ask about experience with “nasal fillers”, specifically.
The permanent variety, has very few practitioners offering it. Many reasons that go beyond the scope of this report but the fact is that the permanent filler technique must be taught to a trainee by an expert and then as the trainee migrates into practice, long experience is a prerequisite for excellence.
I am proud to share that I had the great fortune to be trained by one of the original practitioners of the permanent non-surgical or liquid rhinoplasty technique. Happily, early in my career so I bring to our patients over 40 years experience and thousands of injections. Expertise does count.
Today, permanent liquid rhinoplasty, as a primary procedure or to correct imperfect surgical results, is 25% of our practice. Patients do come from all over Los Angeles, the US and even from overseas for a permanent solution to a long-standing dissatisfaction. Thus, is it very gratifying to help them overcome their unhappiness and move on with their life.
The non-surgical approach to rhinoplasty is where the plastic surgeon determines whether or not it is in the patient’s best interest to have corrections of imperfections done through traditional rhinoplasty or non-surgical rhinoplasty.
The use of dermal fillers has become much more accepted since the techniques have improved.
This so-called liquid rhinoplasty, which is another name for a non-surgical nose job, can conceal a dorsal hump. It can also improve a nasal tip. The side effects are virtually non-existent.
The commonly used temporary non-surgical nose job fillers are Restylane® and Juvéderm® hyaluronic acid fillers.
These are well-known in the community that performs dermatologic or dermal filler procedures.
However, there is an alternative known as permanent non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty. The difference, of course, is the duration of time in which the product remains in the nose.
The best candidates for non-surgical rhinoplasty are those who have imperfections after a surgical rhinoplasty.
Those that match the normal components of the nose will be successful. These features include grooves, troughs, dips, pinches, asymmetries, divots, and abnormally low bridges.
Raising the space between the nasal tip and the dorsal hump puts this dermal filler into an area where the nose is too thin on one side.
Other good candidates for liquid rhinoplasty are those born with a low nasal bridge. Asian patients typically have that.
One raises the bridge by placing dermal fillers under the skin to achieve a more Westernized nose look.
Likewise, there may be a rounded or slightly depressed tip. Therefore, placing the filler underneath the skin at the tip will give the appearance of more cartilage and, thus, a more projecting and satisfactory tip.
In the world of plastic surgery, need is a less invoked reason than desire. Need implies suffering if one does not correct it, but it is still somewhat appropriate.
One does need to have it, particularly after multiple unsuccessful surgeries. The patient has embarked on a course, assuming the patient has tried to improve the appearance of their nose via a traditional rhinoplasty.
That surgical procedure was not successful. There were irregularities, asymmetries, and features that called attention to the nose as being overdone and inappropriate.
Should that be the case, one could make a strong case that there is a need for liquid rhinoplasty since this treatment plan is more predictable and less expensive than a surgical rhinoplasty.
There is no downtime, so the procedure will accomplish what the patient wants for side effects.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty can do what facial plastic surgery does in some but not all circumstances. A huge nose would likely not be well served by a non-surgical nose job or dermal filler.
Increasing the volume of the nose is likely to be less satisfactory. So, in that case, the traditional surgical rhinoplasty is appropriate since it is a “subtraction” procedure.
While this surgical procedure has some potential for imperfections and complications, it is the right choice.
Conversely, the liquid nose job can correct an imperfect rhinoplasty by filling areas where too much cartilage has been removed, an asymmetry, and a very inappropriate and unnatural appearance.
A liquid nose job is a non-surgical procedure to correct an imperfect nose.
Instead of a surgical procedure with cutting and sewing and the traditional recovery and issues, a liquid nose job uses dermal filler placed underneath the skin to conceal dips, divots, and irregularities after unsuccessful cosmetic surgery.
It may also be appropriate for people who have not had rhinoplasty and are born with a low bridge, a slightly bulbous nasal tip, or a deep groove between the middle portion of the nose and the tip.
It is an office procedure with no downtime, immediate recovery, and immediate desired results.
Dermal fillers for rhinoplasty are an excellent accompaniment to a surgical rhinoplasty if the results are pretty excellent, but there are some minor points of imperfection after the surgical procedure.
Rather than have another plastic surgery on the nose, the wise plastic surgeon will consider using a dermal filler to correct the slight to moderate imperfections.
There is a favorable rate of predictability for a non-surgical rhinoplasty compared to a revision rhinoplasty when dermal fillers are used. The side effects are virtually nil.
Where the non-surgical nose job employs Restylane® or Juvéderm®, the well-known fillers used in other parts of the face can be appropriate in the nose, and it can provide an excellent alternative to yet another cosmetic surgery.
It cannot improve breathing. Breathing problems generally rest within the nose’s interior due to large turbinates, a deviated septum, or an internal nasal fracture. A non-surgical nose job cannot improve these flaws.
One employs liquid rhinoplasty for exterior cosmetic imperfections. It is strictly a means of improving the appearance without surgery and its side effects, potential complications, and risk of disappointment on the part of the patient.
Most people who have had a non-surgical nose job feel this procedure is worth it. The cost of this treatment option is likely 20% to 25% of a surgical procedure. There is no downtime because it is an office procedure.
There is no time lost from work. There is no pain. It is quick, effective, and well tolerated.
When the permanent non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty employs medical-grade silicone as the dermal filler, the result is permanent, which is a major benefit.
The plastic surgeon must make recommendations that cover all the variables in the equation, such as the recovery time, pain, cost, untoward effect of risks and complications, dissatisfactions, and secondary problems.
There are virtually no side effects from the non-surgical rhinoplasty.
One should consider liquid rhinoplasty if the imperfections of the nose are amenable to a filler.
The most common reasons are to raise a low bridge, correct a congenital asymmetry, or raise the tip of the nose, which may be round and flat.
Today, due to a relatively high percentage of unsuccessful traditional rhinoplasty procedures, the liquid rhinoplasty or dermal filler approach is an excellent alternative.
This procedure is free from side effects. There is hardly any downtime, and the results are predictable.
There is an array of benefits of the patient having a liquid rhinoplasty. One is that asymmetry, imperfections, and highly visible signs of an overdone rhinoplasty can be corrected.
Liquid rhinoplasty is quick and less expensive as an alternative to a surgical procedure. It is an excellent alternative when the defects of the nose are relatively minor.
For example, one can obscure a small dorsal hump by putting dermal filler above and below the hump.
If the nasal tip is relatively flat and slightly broad, the illusion of it being narrower can be obviated by the liquid rhinoplasty as the filler is placed at the apex and tip of the nose.
Traditional rhinoplasty carries some uncertainty, side effects, and increased downtime, which are difficult for some people to swallow, particularly if they have had prior surgery.
At the consultation, the surgeon explains the process. An ointment that anesthetizes the skin (an anesthetic or numbing cream) is applied 45 minutes before the skin is numb for the needles that will puncture the skin to place the dermal filler.
Photographs are taken before the injection to document the “before” appearance and use that to guide the subsequent treatments and act as an excellent part of the patient’s archived medical records.
The skin is cleansed with an antiseptic, and the injections are made.
Compared to traditional rhinoplasty, one of the great features of the non-surgical nose job is the time allotted to conduct the procedure.
The surgery takes hours and has a 7- to 10-day recovery, and the non-surgical nose job typically takes fewer than 10 minutes to perform the microdroplet injections in multiple areas.
Without the risks of major side effects and downtime, it is the most efficient means of correcting nasal imperfections when appropriate.
It is a cosmetic procedure, but it is not cosmetic surgery. A plastic surgeon is happy to have these injectable products in their toolkit.
On the day of your liquid rhinoplasty procedure, prepare for it by washing your face and then applying a topical anesthetic.
We provide a custom-prepared topical anesthetic prepared by Ph.D. pharmacists. This anesthetic is far more potent than any other commonly available commercial prescription. Typically, the anesthetic takes 30-45 minutes to reach maximum numbness.
The patient comes into the treatment chair, and the process is conducted. This convenience is one of the significant advantages of liquid rhinoplasty: no downtime, and it is shorter than most office visits to traditional physicians in other specialties.
Liquid rhinoplasty, also known as non-surgical rhinoplasty, is quick, easy, and effective. Easy may not be the most appropriate word for the doctor’s skill, but it is “easy” for the patient.
You sit in the treatment chair, your nose is anesthetized, and the injections are made. It is without side effects and hardly any downtime.
It is almost magical to see the dorsal hump start to disappear as the filler is placed above and below.
Likewise, when refining the nasal tip, you see the change before your eyes when looking in a mirror. It is often quite startling but is quite satisfactory to the patient.
Like all things in life, a customized plan is essential to any successful undertaking. This need is no different than a rhinoplasty or non-surgical liquid nose job.
The surgeon and the patient must agree on the objectives. Taking photographs and reviewing them is helpful. Marking out on the skin before the procedures are done is very important so that there is a unity of thought between the patient and the plastic surgeon.
When injecting any material, whether it be Restylane® or Juvéderm® or the permanent medical-grade liquid silicone, you want to have a plan and a concordance between the doctor and the patient.
Physicians will keep good medical records of what areas were injected with what material for future reference.
Dermal fillers for rhinoplasty imply a non-surgical approach to correct an imperfect nose. The most common reason is an asymmetry of the nose with dips, divots, irregularities, and areas where the nose appears to have been “overdone.”
The dermal fillers have no downtime. Some injectable fillers are derived from hyaluronic acid. They are sold under the trade names Restylane®, Juvéderm®, Voluma, and Radiesse®.
The dermal filler is an office treatment with no downtime.
The nose has already been treated with an anesthetic cream. The filler injections are done, and the patient leaves and returns to normal activities. It is an excellent alternative to a rhinoplasty. It is becoming more popular among cosmetic procedures.
A plastic surgeon with the skill to perform these procedures serves the patient well since they can save them downtime, recovery time, side effects, and cost.
One uses Silikon 1000 for liquid rhinoplasty, a procedure also known as a non-surgical nose job or non-surgical rhinoplasty. This product has been available for many years.
There are virtually no side effects with this permanent dermal filler. It has an excellent track record of long-term safety, freedom from complications, and patient satisfaction.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Silikon 1000 over 50 years ago, and this credential has never been questioned.
There is no accessibility to the filler once it is injected. It is pure augmentation.
The non-surgical is a very quick procedure that typically takes about 15 minutes to complete. The “magic,” if you will, of Dr. Robert Kotler’s non-surgical rhinoplasty is that immediately, mirror-in-hand, the patient sees the improvement.
One leaves the office and resumes all activities without discomfort, bruising, and swelling. Touch-ups are rare and free of additional charge.
After a non-surgical rhinoplasty, there is nothing much to do except leave the office. Sometimes, a little ice is applied to the nose to reduce the minimal chance of swelling or bruising. Otherwise, the procedure has no recovery and no downtime.
There is no recovery. Office treatment from dermal fillers, whether temporary or permanent, whether one or more treatment areas are the same. One leaves the office, and the process is over.
The individual results of rhinoplasty or non-surgical rhinoplasty can indeed be life-changing. The nose is the most prominent facial feature.
For ladies, having a beautiful face with a very unsavory nose is difficult. The dorsal hump or the large nasal tip is often extremely unsatisfactory and detracts from other quite delightful facial features.
It has been said that “When you perform plastic surgery, you perform brain surgery.” There is much wisdom to that statement because the self-perception is heightened, which is very important for improved self-satisfaction.
Before consultation, our office sends an ointment to be placed on the nose for anesthesia, so the injections are virtually painless.
There are two types of non-surgical nose jobs, also known as liquid nose jobs. Temporary fillers are composed primarily of a natural substance called hyaluronic acid. The most popular brands are Restylane® and Juvéderm®.
These temporary fillers need to be renewed, typically lasting from four to six months up to one year, though some may last longer, but never permanent.
The alternative is a permanent non-surgical nose job which lasts forever. In this case, the filler is a medical-grade liquid silicone. This product is marketed under the trade names Silikon 1000 and Adato Sil 5000.
Medical-grade liquid silicone has carried FDA approval longer than any temporary fillers. Its safety is unquestioned. It is done using the microdroplet technique and is indeed permanent.
After three injections, the result has been achieved, and the patient goes on their way, having concluded the process.
You can wear eyeglasses after the procedure if the pads or bridge do not contact the area of the nose in which the dermal filler was placed.
The pressure of the pads would be unsatisfactory to nature and might compromise the appearance and the proper acceptance of the dermal filler by the tissues.
The dermal fillers are “additions.” The volume of the nose increases. But, when the patient’s imperfections are appropriate, the nose does not appear as enlarged. It presents itself as more natural and improved.
If one has just a very large nose without any dips or divots or low bridge or imperfect tip, then those are excellent patients for the employment of the non-surgical nose.
It would be inappropriate to add bulk or volume to that nose. In that case, cosmetic surgery is appropriate.
The traditional rhinoplasty is very effective as a subtractor of excess bulk and volume of the nose. A plastic surgeon must recognize the aesthetic consequences of performing liquid rhinoplasty.
Many factors come into play, but if the nose is large but has no areas that are amenable to the filler, such as the hyaluronic acids, Juvéderm® or Restylane®, or medical-grade silicone, which is permanent, then it should not be done.
There is a place for traditional rhinoplasty, a highly successful surgical procedure, and most commonly, that is employed when the nose is unsightly on the face because of its sheer volume.
Yes. A non-surgical nose job can give the illusion of a narrow nose when placed in the bridge’s midline or the tip.
This application plays a very important role for dermal fillers since the appearance of the nose is often an illusion.
The fact that a non-surgical nose job can make the nose thinner without bringing in the walls of the nose is remarkable. Of course, this is the wisdom of non-surgical rhinoplasty.
It creates changes without altering the actual architecture that a surgical procedure would do.
Remember, a traditional rhinoplasty can narrow the nose. Still, the need for cosmetic surgery has been nullified if you can deliver the appearance and illusion that the nose has been narrowed, particularly in the tip area and the bridge.
Board certification is the medical profession’s stamp of approval to assure the public that the physician has met the standard of education, training, and excellence by their peers.
To become “board certified,” one must complete an approved residency and pass written and oral examinations satisfactorily.
There is an overlap of board-certified facial plastic surgeons who perform traditional rhinoplasty. Some plastic surgeons work all over the body and are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
On the other hand, some surgeons perform plastic surgery regionally. These professionals specializing in the cosmetic surgery of the face and neck include those certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.
Various specialties can perform cosmetic procedures appropriately, but it depends on their training and experience. One must seek a board-certified surgeon in those two specialized arenas.
Occasionally, some practitioners perform cosmetic procedures, non-surgical nose jobs, and traditional surgical procedures of the face and neck, such as a rhinoplasty, who are not board certified in either, and this needs to be recognized and cautioned during consultation with such practitioners.
The most important factors are the surgeon’s reputation and the results. One can glean the results by examining a website’s before and after photographs. There should be a huge volume with dozens and dozens and dozens of photos.
It is unnecessary to bandage the nose after a liquid rhinoplasty since there has been no bone breakage, cartilage removal, or tissue shifting, as is typical of traditional rhinoplasty. There is no need to wear a dressing or splint.
There is no rational reason to protect it because this has essentially been a dermal filler injection, no different than Restylane® or Juvéderm® injected into other facial territories.
The non-surgical rhinoplasty is not uncomfortable because an anesthetic ointment is placed onto the skin 30 to 45 minutes before the appointed injection time. The patients find this very satisfactory and helpful.
When injected with Restylane®, Juvéderm®, or medical-grade liquid silicone, the permanent liquid rhinoplasty vehicle, the patients will feel very little pain or discomfort.
Some people feel it is unnecessary to have local anesthesia for dental work and prefer not to have the topical anesthetic. They are satisfied, comfortable, and enthusiastic about the procedure without the topical anesthetic.
If you have previously broken your nose, you can have filler. Liquid rhinoplasty can be an excellent alternative to a surgical procedure to correct the imperfection.
Typically, a nasal fracture causes depression on one side of the nose. This asymmetry is what becomes visible.
There may also be a small dorsal hump that can be concealed with the non-surgical rhinoplasty technique.
The only caveat is that it should not be employed within the first week or two after the injury because it is vital for the swelling to be absent before a proper dermal filler is placed.
Otherwise, there will be a skewed impression of the distorted anatomy.
Yes. A rhinoplasty patient can have a filler if they have had previous surgical rhinoplasty. In fact, an imperfect rhinoplasty is the most common reason why people today have a non-surgical revision rhinoplasty.
Liquid rhinoplasty reliably corrects asymmetries, dips, divots, and visible edges of cartilage and bone.
Such concealment is the great accomplishment of non-surgical rhinoplasty.
It can be an excellent alternative to other cosmetic surgery with fewer side effects, less downtime, and more predictable healing. It is a very appropriate process.
Of course, one should consult with a qualified plastic surgeon, whether a general or facial plastic surgeon.
You want to know if you are a good candidate, you would like to know what the prospects for success are, and you want to know whether this is the best of the two choices between either a traditional rhinoplasty or the non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as the non-surgical nose job or liquid rhinoplasty.
It is ideal to have choices of treatment. To best decide, the consultation should employ computer imaging, particularly if the patient is considering surgical rhinoplasty.
A quality consultation is an educational session whereby you become well-informed and can make a proper decision.
Our practice offers the Kotler Saline Demo. This “test drive,” a “preview” of the appearance following a liquid rhinoplasty, was devised by Dr. Kotler.
Sterile saline (salt water) is injected into the appropriate areas, and the final result of the complete filling is visible in the mirror. The fluid disappears in two hours, but photos are taken before and after and sent to the patient to study.
If the Kotler Saline Demo results are satisfactory, the patient will typically be pleased with the outcome of the liquid rhinoplasty.
Dissatisfaction after a liquid rhinoplasty is extremely low. One reason is the patient is participating in the decision-making process as the process goes on.
The patient looking in the mirror can decide how it is going and give feedback to the plastic surgeon performing the procedure since the patient is awake.
Looking into the mirror is the best guide to success. The reality is that hardly anyone is dissatisfied.
While some corrections can be made, it is essential that the patient has a clear idea of what they wish to accomplish through liquid rhinoplasty.
Likewise, the competent surgeon is listening to the patient’s desire and translating that into the non-surgical nose job that will satisfy the patient and engender a big smile as the patient looks into the mirror while it is being done.
The ability of the patient to direct the surgeon during the procedure is enormous. Of course, this advantage is impossible in any surgical procedure, including a traditional rhinoplasty.
A non-surgical nose job can be repeated or augmented. The standard classical technique for the liquid nose job employs medical-grade liquid silicone.
What is important is that it is done sequentially. By that, it means not all of it is done simultaneously.
Typically, three sessions are required, and there is a six-week interval between the sessions so that the filler sets in and the patient gets a clear idea of what has been accomplished.
More can always be done if deemed wise and practical during the “meeting of the minds” between the patient and the doctor. This agreement is an essential feature of liquid rhinoplasty.
Patient participation and observation over time validate the wisdom behind the non-surgical rhinoplasty.
The patient is awake and competent to make suggestions and to properly direct the plastic surgeon to the imperfection, which may be mild. If visible to the patient, a minimal asymmetry deserves correction with a dermal filler.
The liquid rhinoplasty injections do not hurt when one uses a topical skin anesthetic.
The ointment penetrates through the skin, and the tissue underneath is anesthetized. Therefore, pain is relieved.
This feature is another great advantage for the dermal filler in that the patient is awake and unsedated and can help direct the doctor in performing this cosmetic procedure.
Permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty in experienced hands is exceptionally safe.
These are tiny micro-droplets injected through a nearly invisible needle. There is little risk of piercing a blood vessel when the injector understands the anatomy of the nose.
Liquid rhinoplasty is excellent at fixing the tip of the nose. If there is an asymmetry, too much pinching, and the tip is too round, liquid rhinoplasty is an excellent tool to achieve a satisfactory rhinoplasty result.
In that regard, it can surpass the results of a traditional surgical rhinoplasty since some areas are subject to change over time. The outcome of a non-surgical nose job, particularly the permanent variety, renders an improved nose tip.
The tip of the nose is important to correct through liquid rhinoplasty if there is a congenital deformity such as the “butt crease” or vertical crease between the two nobs of the lower tip cartilages. These issues are hard to correct through a traditional rhinoplasty.
On the other hand, the non-surgical rhinoplasty excels since the dermal filler can plump the crease, and the solution and optimal appearance are fulfilled.
There are no side effects, downtime, or need for revision surgery. Correction of the tip by a non-surgical rhinoplasty can be an excellent alternative.
Our practice is in Beverly Hills, California’s “Golden Triangle.” It is an area that has one of the highest concentrations of the most sophisticated practitioners of any cosmetic procedures.
These professionals include cosmetic dermatologists, ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgeons, and cosmetic breast surgeons. Body sculpture by plastic surgeons is popular, and this area is home to many very talented practitioners.
Practicing on a campus of highly specialized, extraordinarily skilled, and experienced practitioners is an advantage. It is excellent for referrals. Our address is 9735 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90212.
Liquid rhinoplasty includes two subcategories. There are temporary dermal fillers, such as Restylane® and Juvéderm®.
There is one and only one FDA-approved permanent filler, medical-grade liquid silicone, marketed under the trade names Silikon 1000 and Adato Sil 5000.
One has to decide whether to have a temporary liquid rhinoplasty or a permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty.
Common to both are hardly any downtime, no side effects, and a cost far less than a traditional rhinoplasty.
The final result of the non-surgical rhinoplasty is as soon as the surgeon finishes and you take the mirror in hand.
The immediate result is a great advantage and virtue in that the patient can see the improvement and share their desires with the surgeon as they look at their nose from multiple angles using special three-directional mirrors.
They will see the disappearance of the dorsal hump, the raising of the tip, the correction of one or more asymmetries, and the raising of the bridge or refining the tip, all of which can be visible immediately after the plastic surgeon completes their work.
One should choose a surgical or traditional rhinoplasty if one has a large and crooked nose. A nose with sinus problems and a burden functionally lends itself well.
The other is where people have a huge bump and bulbous wide tip when adding a dermal filler, whether Restylane®, Juvéderm®, or silicone, which would only make the nose larger.
A surgical rhinoplasty is typically a reduction rhinoplasty when people are unhappy with the volume of their nose and even unhappy with the fact that it plunges when they smile and requires the release of the depressor septi muscle.
The non-surgical approach may be appropriate when there are less profound imperfections or the nose is not very large for the face.
If you are not happy with the appearance or shape of your nose, if it is because of asymmetry, dorsal hump, or broad tip, then you should consider either the liquid rhinoplasties as appropriate or the surgical rhinoplasty. A consultation will help you make your decision.
Dr. Kotler is one of the world’s most specialized and experienced nasal surgeons practicing permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty.
With over 40 years in practice and over 5000 nasal enhancement procedures performed, he is the most experienced practitioner of permanent non-surgical revision rhinoplasty in the United States.
Dr. Kotler is a published medical author and a highly-rated teacher at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) and USC (University of Southern California), frequently speaking at medical meetings. He is an inventor and founder of two devices used in nasal surgery.
The “magic” of Dr. Kotler’s permanent non-surgical revision rhinoplasty is that one sees the benefits immediately in the mirror. “What you see is what you get.” The results are permanent.
Contrast this with the use of temporary fillers. There is no similarity between temporary fillers, generally derived from collagen-like material destined to be degraded by the body, and medical-grade liquid silicone, which the body views as “acceptable.”
Thus, medical-grade liquid silicone may permanently reside in the nose without the significant threat of rejection.
The permanent non-surgical revision rhinoplasty is extremely important to those patients who have had one, two, three, or more unsuccessful surgical rhinoplasties.
The prospect of yet another rhinoplasty surgery with the uncertainty of the outcome is a dim prospect for such patients.
They are extremely happy to know about and then benefit from the finality of the permanent non-surgical revision rhinoplasty. Finally, the plague is over.
As a superspecialist, Dr. Kotler is also an expert in ethnic rhinoplasty, including African-American, Hispanic, and Asian nasal procedures. He also offers chin augmentation and facelift services.