Natural Noses, Always. 

Dr. Kotler is a board-certified superspecialist in rhinoplasty with vast years of experience in providing both surgical and non-surgical Asian rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills. Dr. Kotler believes in a natural, less-is-more philosophy in an effort to provide his Asian patients with their best possible rhinoplasty outcome. His practice provides meticulous level of detail that can only come from years of experience performing surgery on the Asian nose.

What is Asian Rhinoplasty?

Asian rhinoplasty is a type of ethnic nose surgery that carefully aims to correct airway problems or improve imperfections without diminishing the unique features of the patient’s Asian appearance.

Asian Rhinoplasty

Asian patients typically have a low bridge, wide floor of each nostril, thick ala or nostril walls, and a thick and poorly defined tip. Surgical remedies are available as well as non-surgical remedies. 

Common Requests for Asian Rhinoplasty Procedures

The most common change for an Asian nose would be to raise the bridge and refine the tip.  Nostril narrowing procedures whereby external incision is placed between the wings and the upper lip and lower cheek are placed such that the walls of the alar base are brought closer together thereby narrowing the lowest part of the nose. Typically, these procedures heal quite well and become invisible within several months.

Before and After Asian Rhinoplasty Photos

Why Asian Rhinoplasty?

Asian Rhinoplasty, in certain cities, is a major segment of the rhinoplasty world. Typically, Asian patients are adamant about not deleting their ethnicity. They seek refinement, not major change. 

One of the important surgical maneuvers that is more common in Asian rhinoplasty, than in say Northern European Rhinoplasty, is nostril narrowing. The bottom portion of the nostrils, the sills, may be quite wide and thus the wings sit far laterally. If the sill contains no cartilage from either the columellar partition or the wings, the skin is removed allowing the surgeon to migrate the wings closer to the midline. This can be performed in conjunction with other Asian rhinoplasty components, but most often with narrowing and refinement of the tip.

This procedure of nostril narrowing does require that most of the incision be external, but skilled rhinoplasty surgeons conceal the external portion of the incision in the groove between the wing or alar and the upper lip/cheek junction. Asians have a tendency to develop thickened scars if they close with fine sutures, in multiple layers is not performed. However, even if these incisions thicken up a bit, with time they usually recede and particularly with the help of some medication.

Asian Bulbous Nose

Some Asian noses have a wide, flat and thick-skinned tip. Bulbous without some of the fine features of the Northern European nose. Typically, the thick skin obscures some of the fine features of the nasal tip cartilage.

What is Asian Rhinoplasty?

Asian rhinoplasty tip refinement is achieved by sculpture of the bulbous round lower lateral or alar cartilage. This can be done via the closed rhinoplasty approach or the open rhinoplasty approach. Typically, some of the thick layer of fat that sits in the space between skin and cartilage is removed. Sometimes, it is necessary to place a transplanted piece of cartilage, taken from inside the nose or ear or rib to raise the flat tip. Or, non-surgical rhinoplasty, temporary or permanent can be done, but that must await months after surgery to allow for complete healing.

Surgical & Non-surgical Asian Rhinoplasty

For a large majority of Asian nose jobs, the permanent non-surgical nose job can be performed in order to perfect the nose. Many patients do not know that the permanent non-surgical nose job exists. Computer imaging technology can show you beforehand the beautiful, natural results you can expect. This rare technique is available to Dr. Kotler’s patients.

Surgical Asian Rhinoplasty

In other patients, a surgical rhinoplasty is a better choice for the results they need. Your surgeon will walk you through your temporary and permanent options.


FAQ - Asian Nose Jobs

Asian nose jobs, without nostril narrowing are comparable in length to other ethnic rhinoplasty procedures. Typically operation time for rhinoplasty is two hours. That includes the total time in the operating room; anesthesia induction, preparation, surgical procedures, dressing application and wake up.

The components of an Asian Rhinoplasty are often a bit more sophisticated than for some other ethnic procedures. The need to refine a thick, bulbous tip, raise the bridge rather than lower, the need to narrow the nostrils. These are specialized techniques requiring great skill and technical expertise. Surgeons with more experience are likely to be the most successful, of course.

If undergoing open rhinoplasty, there will be a single horizontal scar connecting the two nostrils. If nostril narrowing is added, those scars are external also. In closed rhinoplasty, the nostril narrowing, if performed, will be the only external scar. The other incisions are performed internally. What may be unique to the Asian rhinoplasty done via the closed rhinoplasty technique is that the two horseshoe-shaped tip cartilages may be “worked on”, by the “delivery technique.” Through additional internal incisions, the two cartilages are “delivered” from their bed between the external and internal skin, worked on, on the outside of nose while still attached and then returned to the bed, narrower and shorn of the extra fat. Quite something to observe! Learn more about open vs closed rhinoplasty.

Dr. Kotler performs Asian Rhinoplasty, Permanent Non-surgical Asian Rhinoplasty and Permanent Asian Non-surgical Revision Rhinoplasty. Practicing in the Greater Los Angeles area, with a large Chinese, Korean, Filipino population, rhinoplasty superspecialists will see a large volume of patients of Asian ancestry. Also, many come from Asia to have their procedures in Beverly Hills because of its world-wide reputation as a center of excellence.

Asian Rhinoplasty recovery

Patients who come in for the Asian rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills are provided with recommendations for their rhinoplasty recovery. For those traveling, we also can make suggestions for hotel and all other tourist accommodations. They may choose to stay at a professional post-operative recovery facility, adjacent to a major hospital. Those who may not be proficient in English are asked to bring a bilingual friend or relative. The post-operative care is facilitated by our doctors and staff, as we provide all medications and supplies that are necessary.

Asian Rhinoplasty Cost

Asian rhinoplasty costs are generally similar to pricing of the average rhinoplasty. However, since nostril narrowing adds considerable time to the procedure, such an adjunct may add some additional cost.