
Liquid Nose Job

A liquid nose job is a non-surgical procedure to correct an imperfect nose. 

Instead of a surgical procedure with cutting and sewing and the traditional recovery and issues, a liquid nose job uses dermal filler placed underneath the skin to conceal dips, divots, and irregularities after unsuccessful cosmetic surgery.

It may also be appropriate for people who have not had rhinoplasty and are born with a low bridge, a slightly bulbous nasal tip, or a deep groove between the middle portion of the nose and the tip.

It is an office procedure with no downtime, immediate recovery, and immediate desired results.

The Non-surgical Approach in Rhinoplasty

The non-surgical approach to rhinoplasty is a thought process by which the surgeon first considers whether or not to correct an imperfect nose without surgery. 

Non-surgical procedures use dermal fillers, including hyaluronic acid, Restylane®, or Juvéderm®. Permanent non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty correction uses medical-grade Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved silicone, also known by its trade name Silikon 1000. 

If it is likely that the ideal cosmetic procedure is non-surgical and can render the nose quite satisfactory, then it should be considered the first choice. 

A facial plastic surgeon must consider this option and other rhinoplasty procedures when recommending to the patient. Patients prefer to have all possibilities explained to them during consultation. 

Using Dermal Fillers for Rhinoplasty

Dermal fillers for rhinoplasty imply a non-surgical approach to correct an imperfect nose. The most common reason is an asymmetry of the nose with dips, divots, irregularities, and areas where the nose appears to have been “overdone.”

The dermal fillers have no downtime. Some injectable fillers are derived from hyaluronic acid. They are sold under the trade names Restylane®, Juvéderm®, and Silikon 1000. 

The dermal filler is an office treatment with no downtime. 

The nose has already been treated with an anesthetic cream. The filler injections are done, and the patient leaves and returns to normal activities. It is an excellent alternative to a rhinoplasty. It is becoming more popular among cosmetic procedures. 

A plastic surgeon with the skill to perform these procedures serves the patient well since they can save them downtime, recovery time, side effects, and cost.    

What Is Liquid Rhinoplasty?

The liquid rhinoplasty procedure is a non-surgical remedy for nasal imperfections. It is an office treatment whereby the surgeon places a filler underneath the skin to correct the irregularities of the surface, which may call attention to one or more imperfect rhinoplasties. It is practical with no downtime. It is also safe and virtually free of side effects. 

While liquid rhinoplasty is not a cutting and sewing procedure, it is part of the plastic surgery armamentarium and is highly successful.

What Can a Liquid Nose Job Do?

A liquid nose job can make a nose look better without surgery. This procedure can correct an asymmetry. It can also conceal a dorsal hump, make the nose tip look narrower, and fill deep divots or grooves. 

A liquid nose job is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery if the defects and imperfections are appropriate. The nose look can be significantly improved, and the result is immediate.  

What Can a Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Fix?

A non-surgical rhinoplasty can fix an asymmetry of the exterior of the nose. It can fix a low nasal bridge, conceal a bump, and make a tip look narrower. It can act to give the appearance as though an overdone nose with the absence of cartilage carries a natural appearance. 

A non-surgical nose job obviates the uncertainties of plastic surgery. 

Even in the hands of the most experienced plastic surgeon, repeated plastic surgery can be unpredictable. The more surgical procedures done on the nose, the less likely perfection can be achieved. 

Hence, a non-surgical nose job, or a non-surgical rhinoplasty, is a “safer bet” for many patients.  

Can Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Do What Surgery Does?

A non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as a liquid rhinoplasty or liquid nose job, is not an equal substitute for plastic surgery.

A surgical rhinoplasty can correct most defects and imperfections of the nose. 

Likewise, the liquid nose job can alter some portions of the nose that are deemed unsatisfactory. However, it is particularly effective when used to correct a nose that looks artificial or overdone and is a bad advertisement for plastic surgery. 

It often can be used as an adjunct to cosmetic procedures performed on the nose. This application is determined at the time of consultation.

To be able to correct minor nose imperfections using dermal fillers such as hyaluronic acid, Restylane®, Juvéderm®, and medical-grade liquid silicone, also known as Silikon 1000, can be a blessing for those who have had many surgical procedures and have yet to receive a satisfactory result. 

Does Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Make Your Nose Bigger?

In reality, the non-surgical nose job or liquid rhinoplasty is additive. It adds volume. However, it is appropriate in many circumstances where too much of the nasal architecture has been removed during an unsuccessful plastic surgery on the nose. 

When cartilage or bone removal has been excessive, there are only two options to correct the problem. 

One is another surgical rhinoplasty where bone or cartilage is grafted from the rib cage, the ear, or the nose to the space between the skin of the nose and the existing deficient skeleton or correction by the dermal fillers.  

The latter are simpler, more predictable, carry virtually no side effects, and have no downtime. 

Accuracy is the other calling card of a non-surgical nose job because the filler volume used to level out the irregularities and asymmetries, dips, divots, and potholes is minute. 

The doctor delivers the filler through a small needle or cannula. This treatment plan should be the prime consideration when the patient presents to a plastic surgeon with an unsatisfactory nose job.  

Can a Non-surgical Nose Job Narrow Your Nose?

A non-surgical nose job cannot structurally narrow the nose. Still, it can create the illusion of narrowness because the filler is placed in the midline of the nose, usually to obscure a dorsal hump or an asymmetry or some of the dips and divots in the midline. 

It has the same visual benefit as narrowing the nose. The best use of a filler to give the appearance of a narrow nose is in patients with a low bridge. When the bridge of the nose is filled, they will not have a dorsal hump. 

This feature is very common for Asian patients who have a low bridge, a likely wide bridge, and sometimes a slightly wide tip.

But by raising the bridge, you will have the illusion that the nose is narrower. 

That presentation lends itself well to filler, and, ultimately, the nose will look narrower.

Can a Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Correct a Deviated Septum?

A non-surgical rhinoplasty cannot correct a deviated septum. A deviated septum is a crookedness of the internal vertical partition separating the left and right nasal passages. 

The septum is made of bone and cartilage. It requires internal plastic surgery to correct the deformity and to improve breathing. 

Most often, it has no cosmetic consequence. However, if the crookedness is such that it also manifests externally and creates an asymmetry of the external imperfection or irregularity, it would be an indication to use a dermal filler. 

The liquid nose job or non-surgical rhinoplasty can be very impressive to correct those minor asymmetries of the exterior of the nose caused by the shift or crookedness of the septum within the nose’s interior.  

Can Liquid Rhinoplasty Fix the Tip of My Nose?

Liquid rhinoplasty can correct asymmetries of the tip area. This method can compensate for cartilage loss when there has been an over-zealous removal. It can also give the illusion of a more narrow tip when added in the midline to a slightly round and bulbous tip. 

Liquid rhinoplasty can raise the tip and have a positive effect. In the case of an obscured dorsal hump, if one raises the tip via the liquid nose job, the results can be pretty significant and give the nose a better look without operative intervention. 

While plastic surgery uses grafts of bone and tissue, that is a much more complex surgical undertaking with side effects, longer downtimes, an element of uncertainty, and often a significant cost.  

What Product Is Used for a Liquid Nose Job?

One can accomplish a liquid nose job using dermal fillers. Temporary fillers include hyaluronic acid marketed under the trade names Restylane® and Juvéderm®.

Liquid rhinoplasty can also use permanent medical-grade silicone marketed as Silikon 1000 or Adato Sil 5000. These products have long records of success.

Procedure Details: How Does Non-surgical Rhinoplasty Work?

The non-surgical rhinoplasty is a very quick procedure that typically takes about fifteen minutes to complete. The “magic,” if you will, of Dr. Robert Kotler’s non-surgical rhinoplasty is that immediately, mirror-in-hand, the patient sees the improvement. 

One leaves the office and resumes all activities without discomfort, bruising, and swelling. Touch-ups are rare and free of additional charge.

What Happens Before a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Before a non-surgical rhinoplasty, there are only two steps needed. The first is to take medical-grade photographs, and the second is to prepare the nose by applying an anesthetic cream to the skin. 

When done 45 minutes before the process, the skin is numb, which makes the penetration of the skin by a needle and cannula virtually painless. 

There are very few side effects. The process is quick, and there is no downtime. Unlike surgery, performed under an anesthetic and requires a pre-op and physical exam, none of that preparation is necessary.

What Happens During Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

During non-surgical rhinoplasty, dermal filler is injected through a fine needle or cannula underneath the skin and placed between the skin and the bone and cartilage architecture or framework of the nose. 

There is rarely swelling or bleeding. Side effects are usually non-existent. There is no downtime. One leaves the office sporting the improvement created by the liquid rhinoplasty.

What Happens After a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

After a non-surgical rhinoplasty, there is not much to do except leave the office. Sometimes, a little ice is applied to the nose to reduce the minimal chance of swelling or bruising. Otherwise, the procedure has no recovery and no downtime.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

A liquid rhinoplasty using dermal fillers typically takes 15 minutes or less, depending on how many areas need the injection. There may be one or six to eight punctures of the skin using the microdroplets technique for medical-grade liquid silicone.  

That does not take long to do. The doctor does the injections under magnification. There is no pain because of the prior application of an anesthetic to the skin. There is also no downtime afterward, besides the absence of side effects. 

Most people say they have less discomfort and swelling than from a flu or COVID shot. 

 Liquid rhinoplasty is not a plastic surgery, so there is no invasion of the nose’s framework.

It is a cosmetic procedure that is strictly non-surgical and aims to mimic the result of a well-performed surgery. 

Risks and Benefits of Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

Dr. Robert Kotler uses a permanent filler called Silikon 1000. Though many patients have not heard of it, this permanent filler has been used for decades. The pros and cons of the Silikon 1000 are few and simple.

What Are the Advantages of Non-surgical Rhinoplasty?

The advantage of this option is you avoid surgery. There is no downtime. There are no side effects. The cost is far less. There is greater precision of treatment. You avoid anesthesia.

  Non-surgical rhinoplasty has the benefit of being more likely to produce satisfaction for certain imperfections than surgery, which always carries more uncertainty. 

Are Non-surgical Nose Jobs Safe?

Liquid rhinoplasty, which uses dermal fillers, is considered very safe. In the hands of a highly specialized surgeon with long experience, it is a procedure that is extraordinarily safe. 

As the plastic surgeon knows anatomy, it is not likely to interfere with the course of any blood vessels or nerves. 

There is very little chance of any breakdown of the skin. Infection is extremely rare. There are no other significant side effects. It has a long track record of success and a low incidence of complications or problems.

What Are the Risks of a Liquid Nose Job?

Side effects are extraordinarily rare. For example, silicone does not engender infections. 

Typically, there are very few reactions, although some people get a little bit of redness, which is attributable more to the injection than the deposit of the Silikon 1000 filler itself.

There is little risk of complications because of the tiny needle used and the small amount of filler deposited under the skin.   

The risks are more related to the administration. The surgeon must be comfortable with the nose anatomy and ensure he is positioned away from the major blood vessels.  

That anatomy is consistent, so confident practitioners must “know their way around.”

Using a very fine needle and drawing back on the plunger before injecting gives assurance that the needle tip has not entered a vein or artery. 

That is the safety measure that translates to less chance of any complications. Infections are virtually unheard of, and there is minimal reaction to the product.

Recovery and Outlook

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is indeed non-surgical. It is done in an office setting and requires little preparation. There is no recovery time.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

There is no recovery. Office treatment from dermal fillers, whether temporary or permanent, whether one or more areas are treated, are the same. One leaves the office, and the process is over.

How Long Does a Non-surgical Nose Job Last?

There are two types of non-surgical nose jobs, also known as liquid nose jobs. There are temporary fillers composed primarily of a natural substance called hyaluronic acid. The most popular brands are Restylane® and Juvéderm®

These temporary fillers need to be renewed, typically lasting from four to six months up to one year, though some may last longer, but never permanent.  

The alternative is a permanent non-surgical nose job which lasts forever. In this case, the filler is a medical-grade liquid silicone. This product is marketed under the trade names Silikon 1000 and Adato Sil 5000. 

Medical-grade liquid silicone has carried FDA approval longer than any of the temporary fillers. Its safety is unquestioned. It is done using the microdroplet technique and is indeed permanent. 

After three injections, the result has been achieved, and the patient goes on their way, having had the process concluded.   

Is a Non-surgical Nose Job Worth It?

Most patients consider a non-surgical nose job or liquid rhinoplasty well worth it. The charges are far less than those of surgery. However, the temporary fillers over time may be a constant expense that could even exceed the cost of surgery.

The cost difference is where the permanent non-surgical nose job carries the banner. This option does not need renewal because the body accepts and maintains the filler. There is no degradation of the medical-grade liquid silicone dermal filler. 

Hence, a non-surgical nose job is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery, in particular, because of its longevity and fixed cost. It also has no side effects or downtime. 

A non-surgical nose job is a convenient cosmetic procedure because it allows fine-tuning with minor corrections, which may still plague a patient after prior plastic surgery on the nose.

Results of a Liquid Rhinoplasty

The individual results of rhinoplasty or non-surgical rhinoplasty can indeed be life-changing. The nose is the most prominent facial feature. 

For ladies, having a beautiful face with a very unsavory nose is difficult. The dorsal hump or the large nasal tip is often extremely unsatisfactory and detracts from other quite delightful facial features. 

It has been said that “When you perform plastic surgery, you perform brain surgery.” There is much wisdom to that statement because the self-perception is heightened, which is very important for improved self-satisfaction.

Maintaining Your Results

There are no consequences of having the office treatment. You leave the office and resume your life. 

There are no constrictions other than advice not to rub the nose once the liquid material is placed under the skin. Nature likes to have quiet and nondisturbance. 

Typically, there is a six-week interval between the first and second and then subsequent treatments. 

This period gives nature time to accept the material, form a microscopic wall about it, and thus, maintain its position.

“When Should I See My Healthcare Provider?”

See your healthcare provider when you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose. The ideal specialist for this procedure is a plastic surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty. 

There are super specialists whose practices are limited to both surgical rhinoplasties and non-surgical rhinoplasties or liquid rhinoplasties, using dermal fillers. 

If you are not happy with the appearance or shape of your nose, if it is because of asymmetry, dorsal hump, or broad tip, then you should consider either the liquid rhinoplasties as appropriate or the surgical rhinoplasty. A consultation will help you make your decision. 

Candidates for Liquid Rhinoplasty

Good candidates for liquid rhinoplasty are those born with a low bridge and perhaps flat tip and need augmentation to render a better appearance. 

The other main category of candidates are those who have had one or more unsuccessful rhinoplasties where there is a dorsal hump, dips, grooves, and ruts that call attention to the imperfect rhinoplasty.

Specifically, those who have had multiple procedures will be pleased to know of the non-surgical alternative that will finally allow them to be free of their burden when looking into the mirror.

Surgical Versus Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

The differences are that surgical procedures require an operating room, anesthesia services, downtime, and recovery time. 

There is also some uncertainty as to the result. There can be an asymmetry or asymmetries. It is important to have surgery for blocked nasal passages, but that is not a cosmetic procedure per se. 

However, one frequently wishes to have cosmetic procedures on the nose and functional procedures to help breathing or correct sinus problems.  

The plastic surgeon can help decide whether the plastic surgery on the exterior of the nose needs to be augmented by functional surgery inside the nose. This assessment is the purpose of the consultation. 

People with a large nose, large bump, large tip, and a tip that depresses with a smile or a wide nose will generally be happy with a surgical rhinoplasty because they need reduction. 

The alternative, the non-surgical rhinoplasty, is often the technique of choice for those who have overdone plastic surgery on the nose. These patients have visible imperfections and asymmetries and are not happy with the appearance of their noses.

Insider Tips From Dr. Robert Kotler

The best insider tip regarding non-surgical nose jobs is to consider if you are unhappy with one or more surgical rhinoplasties. 

A consultation and computer imaging can help show the improvement that can be obtained by plastic surgery on the nose or non-surgical rhinoplasty.  

There is a high percentage of people who can be helped without surgery. They may qualify for a non-surgical nose job or liquid rhinoplasty. 

They may have a dorsal hump, the tip may be broad, and the nose has too many little bumps, grooves, divots, potholes, and irregularities that would call for a more complex revision rhinoplasty surgery. These people should consider a temporary or permanent non-surgical nose job.  

The Kotler Saline Demo is a test to help them decide whether dermal fillers are appropriate since it shows the result in the mirror immediately following the injections. The saline, sterile salt water, disappears within two hours.  

Top Non-surgical Nose Job Specialist Dr. Robert Kotler

Dr. Kotler has over 36 years of experience performing non-surgical nose jobs, more than any physician in the United States. 

His preference is permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty using medical-grade liquid silicone. The main advantage is it is uniquely permanent. Others, such as Restylane® and Juvéderm®, are not permanent and must be renewed. 

Dr. Kotler is an experienced surgeon with thousands of rhinoplasties performed in his surgical career. He is pleased to offer either service, whether that be a surgical rhinoplasty or a non-surgical rhinoplasty, depending on the particulars of the situation.  

Extraordinary Precision Liquid Nose Job

One of the main calling cards of the non-surgical nose job is precision. The permanent variant is administered through a fine-gauge needle, which allows for great accuracy in correcting the imperfections.  

Often, people require larger volumes when they are born with a very low bridge, as is typical for Asian people. 

That translates to a larger volume at each session. Still, it makes the procedure no less safe or practical. A liquid nose job is still a procedure that is virtually free of side effects. There is no downtime, and the results are obvious.

Schedule Consultation for Liquid Rhinoplasty

If one is considering a liquid nose job, one should make an appointment for a consultation. The consultation should be before and after photographs. 

Computer imaging is helpful. One may do a “road test” or preview of what the filler can accomplish using the Kotler Saline Demo, which is a demonstration whereby the saline filler is injected. You can see the result in the mirror immediately.  

The saline dissipates in two hours. The “after” photographs are taken immediately after the injection session.

 Before consultation, our office sends an ointment to be placed on the nose for anesthesia, so the injections are virtually painless.  


A liquid nose job is considered affordable. It may be only 20% of the surgical rhinoplasty cost. That is important. There is also no downtime. There are no side effects. 

The results are obvious immediately, and one avoids the uncertainties of surgery and the additional burden of time off work.  

Of course, it is a surgical procedure with anesthesia, recovery, and the need for some elements of home care for the first couple of days. 

The pricing differs from that for the temporary fillers, which are generally priced according to the volume used. 

Pricing the permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty fees reflects the entire service provided over several visits.   

The pricing is fixed so the patient with the permanent non-surgical nose job knows the costs for the entire professional service.  

Dermal fillers such as Restylane® and Juvéderm® yield a temporary enhancement. Medical-grade silicone is a permanent improvement.

As the number of people needing a nose enhancement rises, Dr. Robert Kotler, a Beverly Hills board-certified rhinoplasty superspecialist, offers a highly specialized procedure known as permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Liquid rhinoplasties do not hurt because a topical anesthetic is placed on the nose 45 minutes before.

If the filler is a temporary filler such as Juvéderm® or Restylane®, the units depend on the volume of filler required. 

Medical-grade liquid silicone, the only permanent non-surgical nose job filler, is not priced by volume. It is priced by the entire service. In other words, Dr. Kotler’s services and the necessary filler volume have fixed fees.  

Immediately after the liquid nose job, one can continue the exercise. There is no effect on any body system. The chance of side effects such as swelling and bruising is minimal. 

The only prohibition after a liquid nose job is no massaging of the area, which means no self-massage nor any professional massage by a facialist.

It is essential to let the dermal filler placed to rest and be undisturbed. 

Nature likes peace and quiet. The body’s recovery from a non-surgical rhinoplasty is invisible and undetectable, but it is essential to achieve a satisfactory result.

Temporary fillers, such as Juvéderm® and Restylane®, composed of hyaluronic acid, can be dissolved using a specific enzyme. The permanent liquid nose job is permanent and is not readily dissolvable. 

One should be sure they wish to have this service since the filler is permanent and not easily eliminated — another good reason for the Kotler Saline Demo. 

After a non-surgical nose job with dermal filler, you may sleep in any position you want. There are no prohibitions. There are no unsatisfactory side effects that a given sleep position could generate.

After a liquid nose job, you can touch your face for standard washing and cleansing. Gentleness is the watchword. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. 

No side effects or complications could be caused by standard nose and face skin care. 

The temporary liquid nose job and permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty are set at the injection time. In the case of the former, the dermal filler is incorporated into the skin’s collagen. 

In the case of the permanent variant using medical-grade liquid silicone, nature builds a capsule around the liquid, therefore maintaining its position. This option takes place over six weeks. 

A non-surgical rhinoplasty does affect your appearance by improving the appearance of the nose. 

If there is an asymmetry, it can be helped. If your nose is pinched, over-sloped, or upturned, these are common indications to undergo correction with a liquid rhinoplasty. 

People who have had an unsatisfactory rhinoplasty or rhinoplasties are the most enthusiastic proponents because it has finally “ended the play” for them. 

They have finality, and an attractive-appearing nose look has replaced the imperfection they see in the mirror daily.   

A plastic surgeon who performs the service finds it very gratifying. 

While that same doctor may perform plastic surgery, there is great satisfaction in rendering someone an improvement after there has been some disappointment with surgical cosmetic procedures. 

The non-surgical nose job can be repeated and is generally repeated with Restylane® and Juvéderm® hyaluronic acid fillers and other temporary fillers.  

Typically, the permanent non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty using medical-grade silicone is permanent, and there is no need to repeat it. 

There are a few patients with some minor absorption, and they are amenable to additional correction using the microdroplet dermal filler technique. 

It is very unusual that one would not like the rhinoplasty results because they have discussed their plan with the cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Kotler could demonstrate the result via computer imaging or the Kotler Saline Demo. 

When the injections are done incrementally, as with the medical-grade silicone, one sees the improvement evolve, so it is almost impossible to have over-filling. 

The meeting of the minds of the patient and the plastic surgeon is very important. It is the same for all cosmetic procedures. There should be an agreement on the plan. Photographs should document the condition. 

Before the filler placement, the skin should be marked with a marking pen so that the patient holding the mirror can agree with the doctor about where the filler should be placed.

One should choose a surgical or traditional rhinoplasty if one has a large and crooked nose. A nose with sinus problems and a burden functionally lends itself well. 

The other is where people have a huge bump and bulbous wide tip when adding a dermal filler, whether Restylane®, Juvéderm®, or silicone, which would only make the nose larger. 

A surgical rhinoplasty is typically a reduction rhinoplasty when people are unhappy with the volume of their nose and even unhappy with the fact that it plunges when they smile and requires the release of the depressor septi muscle.  

The non-surgical approach may be appropriate when there are less profound imperfections or the nose is not very large for the face. 

If there is a dorsal hump or a broad tip in a relatively normal-sized or small nose, then the patient can expect to be happy with the results of the non-surgical nose job.