Dr. Kotler is among the top middle eastern rhinoplasty surgeons in Beverly Hills. . His skills have been used to satisfy patients with different facial and nasal features, who are having rhinoplasty. While there is no typical or template for the “Persian Rhinoplasty” or the “Arab Rhinoplasty”, or “Middle East Rhinoplasty”, we are exposed to recurring imperfections that require attention and careful correction.
Southern California is the most ethnically diverse region of the United States. Our population includes many diverse inhabitants hailing originally from all parts of the US. Immigration from Iran, the Arab States, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Armenia is a fairly recent phenomenon. Many whose origin is from the greater Middle East have large bumps or humps. The tips may be wide and too close to the lips. The nose may be too “tall” for the face. Typically, the skin of people from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iran have thinner and lighter skin than those from the Arab countries, e.g. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. We have to modify our approach to take all features into consideration and deliver results that are natural and which fail to draw attention to themselves.
Technically, the procedures used to perform a standard Beverly Hills rhinoplasty and a Middle East Rhinoplasty are similar. It is a matter of degree, and particularly for men. The man’s middle eastern rhinoplasty must be conservative and not draw attention to itself. No pinched tip, no upward turn, no low bridge. Nothing looks more “ wrong” than an overdone Middle Eastern Male Rhinoplasty.
The Middle East Rhinoplasty requires thought and good judgement on the part of the surgeon. We feel computer imaging is absolutely essential in having that “meeting of the minds” necessary for patient and surgeon to communicate well. A consultation without computer imaging is nothing but a flow of abstract words, in my opinion. With imaging, we share with the patient on the computer monitor our image of significant improvement is and it must match the expectations and desires of the patient.
We can tweak it; make any and all changes the patient desires to see and that makes the consultation meaningful and of value to the patient
Recovery for ethnic rhinoplasty patients is similar to that of the average rhinoplasty patient. We’ve put together a complete rhinoplasty recovery guide that compiles all questions patients have regarding post-operative care and healing.