We are pleased to announce that our office is back fully operational. We are now conducting both in-office and virtual consultations.

Call us at (310) 340-1622 for specific details.

The Summit Surgery Center, in the building next door has fully re-opening and we have resumed our normal surgery schedule.

Here are the updated measures to best protect the health of all of us.

  • Our staff will be limited to only three of us. Dr. Kotler, Annette, and me (Mary). 
  • Our staff will have temperature checks before starting office hours. Likewise, patients and whoever accompanies them will have temperature checks upon arriving in the office. 
  • We will be masked and gloved. 
  • We ask you, our patients to be likewise be masked throughout your visit. We do have a supply of masks, as needed, but typically, each patient has their own preferred mask or stylish scarf preference. We have skin sanitizer as well. 
  • Dr. Kotler will always be masked and patients will wear masks except for that short period of time during which Dr. Kotler examines the nose and other facial structures. He will wash his hands and apply new gloves for each patient visit. 
  • Scheduling will be such that only one patient and one family member or friend will be in the office at any given time. 
  • To the maximum extent possible, we shall be practicing social distancing. The limited number of people in the office and the size of the office is a huge advantage. 
  • While traffic is delightfully mild now, it may increase. We ask that each patient call us 20 minutes before their appointment so that we can inform you if for some reason the schedule is “running behind.” We do not anticipate this as we are planning on allowing considerable “vacant time” between patients.

We are excited to see you in the office!
Yes, our work makes people happy and that is very gratifying.

How can we help?

To ensure our patients’ safety during covid-19 we’re offering virtual consultations. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Kotler via Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp or call us today at (310) 278-8721. We look forward to helping you achieve natural-looking results.


436 N Bedford Dr #201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Phone: (310) 278-8721
Fax: (310) 278-0114

Virtual or in person Consultations: What to Expect

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Monday – Friday

9:00 am – 5:00 pm